November 19, 2004

  • a while since a proper update, but works been a pain etc etc,anyway here's some of the best things in last week or so.

    firstly a huge huge congrats to our newest DK fantasy4u, she whisped me when she was near to leveling, so I went down to skt caves and gave her a personal fireworks display :)

    another congrats to larger for making another peice of his uber dk set:)

    me and a few of the pledge went up to 40f when akane and ericthepanda found zombie lord, unfortunatly babo akane hit venz button on 39 and he logged off, so the me, eric, card, jimz and the newest dk fantasy continued up.

    not good drops but was a fun hunt,we were just bout to go,and i said we should look for a second....heh we found a second but we were rushed by lots of mops so we had to venz,

    unfortunatly card (our nb elf with us) had to go,so we restocked and made our way back up, we were just getting near to were we found him and we bumped into kuddles he asked if he could join the party so we joined him and continued on.

    again not great drops, but killed 2 in like 15 mins so worth the hunt.

    ive gone for caspa a few times this week also, but they dont seem to like me

    and finally my post wouldnt be compleate without ...

    heh was a bzel, only need like 12 more zzzz


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